The weekend in the wilderness was fabulous! I went with my friend on a number of game drives and although nothing was close enough to shoot we saw a lot of animals: Kudu and Oryx, some smaller antelopes, lots of Guinea Fowl, warthog and jackal. It is amazing how quiet it is out there, you just hear the calls of the animals and the squeaking of the pumps for the waterholes. Also, the stars at night are unbelievably clear and so many that I had problems to find familiar pictures such as Bootes or Corona Borealis (apart from the fact that they are upside down from what I am used to). I also found Scorpia, Libra and Virgin very clearly and high up. It has not rained since April and everything is sandy.
Now I am back in the "big city" finalizing my work for the law exam and then heading on straight for the Pharmacy Practice exam which will follow on 14.8. So, unfortunately, no safaries for a while.
I will keep you posted - Heidrun